Overview of AOMEI Partition Assistant for Recovery

AOMEI Post By AOMEI Updated February 10, 2025


AOMEI Partition Assistant for Recovery is an easy-to-use and user-friendly data recovery program, which can be used to recover lost files caused by accidental deletion, formatting, system crash, virus attack, etc. It helps data recovery for both working Windows PCs and crashed PCs.

Supported Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows 11 (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 10 (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 8/8.1 (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista (all editions, 32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (all editions)
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (all editions)
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (all editions)
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 (all editions)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (all editions)

Supported Scanning File Formats

Text Documents

WORD Documents
*.DOC; *.DOCM; *.DOCX; *.DOT; *.ODT; *.WPS;

EXCEL Documents
*.XLS; *.XLSB; *.XLSM; *.XLSX; *.XLT; *.XLTM; *.XLTX; *.XPS; *.CSV; *.DBF; *.DIF; *.ODS; *.PRN; *.SLK; *.XLA; *.XLAM;

PDF Documents
*.PDF; *.PDP;

PPT Documents
*.PPT; *.PPTM; *.PPTX; *.ODP; *.POT; *.POTM; *.POTX; *.PPA; *.PPAM; *.PPS; *.PPSM; *.PPSX;

*.BMP; *.CUR; *.RLE; *.DIB; *.ICO; *.JFIF; *.JPG; *.JPEG; *.JPE; *.JPF; *.JPX; *.JP2; *.J2C; *.J2K; *.JPC; *.JPS; *.PNG; *.TIF; *.TIFF; *.PBM; *.PGM; *.PPM; *.PNM; *.PFM; *.PAM; *.MPO; *.GIF; *.HEVC; *.HEIC; *.HEIF; *.RAW; *.DNG; *.CR2; *.ARW; *.DCR; *.MRW; *.NEF; *.ORF; *.PEF; *.PSD; *.SVG; *.X3F;

*.MPEG; *.MPG; *.MP4; *.DAT; *.AVI; *.MOV; *.ASF; *.WMV; *.NAVI; *.3GP; *.RA; *.RM; *.RMX; *.MKV; *.FLV; *.F4V; *.RMVB; *.WebM; *.QSV;

*.CDA; *.WAV; *.AIFF; *.MP3; *.MID; *.WMA; *.VQF; *.OGG; *.ARM; *.APE; *.FLAC; *.AAC; *.M4A;

*.MSG; *.EML;

*.XHTML; *.HTML; *.MHT; *.MHTML; *.aspx; *.lab; *Xml;

Compressed Files
*.000; *.001; *.7Z; *.ACE; *.AIN; *.ALZ; *.APZ; *.AR; *.ARC; *.ARI; *.ARJ; *.AXX; *.BH; *.BHX; *.BOO; *.BZ; *.BZA; *.BZ2; *.CAB; *.CAR; *.CBR; *.CBZ; *.CP9; *.CPGZ; *.CPT; *.DAR; *.DD; *.DGC; *.EFW; *.F; *.GCA; *.GZ; *.HA; *.HBC; *.HBC2; *.HBE; *.HKI; *.HKI1; *.HKI2; *.HKI3; *.HPK; *.HYP; *.ICE; *.IMP; *.IPK; *.ISH; *.ISO; *.JAR; *.JGZ; *.JIC; *.KGB; *.KZ; *.LBR; *.LHA; *.LNX; *.LQR; *.LZ4; *.LZH; *.LZM; *.LZMA; *.LZO; *.LZX; *.MD; *.MINT; *.MOU; *.MPKG; *.MZP; *.NZ; *.P7M; *.PACKAGE; *.PAE; *.PAK; *.PAQ6; *.PAQ7; *.PAQ8; *.PAR; *.PAR2; *.PBI; *.PCV; *.PEA; *.PF; *.PIM; *.PIT; *.PIZ; *.PKG; *.PUZ; *.PWA; *.QDA; *.R00; *.R01; *.R02; *.R03; *.RAR; *.RK; *.RPM; *.RTE; *.RZ; *.RZS; *.S00; *.S01; *.S02; *.S7Z; *.SAR; *.SDN; *.SEA; *.SFS; *.SFX; *.SH; *.SHAR; *.SHK; *.SHR; *.SIT; *.SITX; *.SPT; *.SQX; *.SQZ; *.TAR; *.TAZ; *.TBZ; *.TBZ2; *.TGZ; *.TLZ; *.TLZ4; *.TXZ; *.UC2; *.UHA; *.UUE; *.WOT; *.XEF; *.XX; *.XXE; *.XZ; *.Y; *.YZ; *.YZ1; *.Z; *.ZAP; *.ZIP; *.ZIPX; *.ZIX; *.ZOO; *.ZZ;

Other Files
Other unclassified documents with and without suffixes.

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