Fixed: An Error Occurred While the Wizard Was Attempting to Set the Password for This User Account

An error occurred while the wizard was attempting to set the password for this user account? This guide aims to assist you in resolving the problem by outlining the possible causes and suggesting methods to fix it.


By Hedy / Updated on June 12, 2023

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Some users have reported encountering the "an error occurred while the wizard was attempting to set the password for this user account" message when utilizing the password reset wizard, particularly with password reset disks created on Windows 7.

In general, several factors contribute to this occurrence. This comprehensive guide endeavors to assist you in resolving this matter by explaining the underlying causes of the issue and presenting viable solutions to it.

Why does this issue occur?

In this section, we will delve into the possible reasons behind the password reset disk error, enabling you to gain insights into the root cause of the issue and take appropriate actions to resolve it effectively.

When creating a password reset disk, there are several crucial factors to consider. Let's explore these aspects:

▶ Ensuring it's the latest disk:

A password reset disk will only function properly if it is the most recent one you have created. If you have generated multiple disks after the one you are currently attempting to use, the disk you possess will not work as intended.

▶ Using it on the same computer:

The reset disk is tied to the specific computer on which it was created. It cannot be used on any other machine and will simply not function if applied elsewhere.

▶ Compatible operating system installation:

It is vital to employ the password reset disk within the same operating system installation for which it was originally made. If any changes have been made to the OS or its version, the disk may fail to work.

▶ Matched user account:

The most critical factor is that the password reset disk is exclusively designed for the user account it was created for. If the disk was generated for an account named "123" and you are attempting to use it to reset the password for an account named "abc," the disk will not be effective.

How to fix password reset disk error?

By following these steps, you'll be on your way to resolving the error and successfully resetting your password. Rest assured that there is a solution, and with a little effort, you'll regain control of your account and overcome this issue of "an error occurred while the wizard was attempting".

Method 1. Utilizing a professional Windows password recovery tool

To overcome the password reset disk error issue effortlessly, the most convenient and recommended approach is to employ a reliable and powerful tool like AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional. This tool enables you to reset the passwords for the user accounts on your computer without the requirement of any reset disks.

AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional simplifies the password recovery process, allowing you to create a password reset USB on Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP computers even if you've already forgotten your password. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive functionality, you can regain access to your user accounts swiftly and efficiently. Here is how to do it.

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Step 1. Download and install AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional on a separate computer. On the main interface, click "Tools" > "Reset Windows Password".


Step 2. Click "Next" to reate a bootable USB drive or CD/DVD using the software.


Step 3. Here, choose the target USB drive and click "Proceed".


Step 4. Read the information message pops out and click "Yes".


Step 5. When the creation is successful, insert the bootable media into your device and change boot order to make the PC boot from the USB.


Step 6. AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional will launch automatically. Click the "Reset Windows Password" option, select the OS and click "Next".


Step 7. Select the account which you want to reset the password, and then select the options you want to perform. Here we choose "Reset Account Password" and click "Next".


Step 8. If you want to reset the password, type the new password in the new window and click "Yes" to confirm. Finally, restart your computer and log in to your computer with the new password.


Method 2. Changing the Password via the built-in administrator account

Another common workaround utilized by affected users to overcome the "an error occurred while troubleshooting the troubleshooting wizard cannot continue" issue is to leverage the built-in administrator account to manually reset the forgotten Windows account password.

This method has proven successful for many users, but it's important to note that the administrator account should only be used in emergency situations such as this. If this scenario applies to your situation, follow the instructions below to change your Windows account password using the built-in administrator account.

Since you won't be able to bypass the login screen, you'll need to access the Command Prompt via startup options:

Step 1. Insert a compatible installation media (such as a DVD or USB drive) into your computer's optical unit or USB port and restart your machine to initiate booting from it.

Step 2. When prompted by the black screen, press any key to boot from the installation media and wait for the initial installation to load.

Step 3. Once successfully booted from the installation media, click on "Repair your computer" and wait for the repair tool to load.


Step 4. From the Recovery menu, select "Troubleshoot" from the list of available options, then choose "Command Prompt" from the list of sub-options.


Step 5. In the elevated Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter to enable the built-in administrator account:

net user administrator /active:yes

Step 6. Next, type the following command and press Enter to reset the password manually via CMD:

net user administrator new_password

Note: Replace new_password with your desired new password before pressing "Enter".

Step 7. Close the elevated Command Prompt and allow your computer to boot up normally.

Step 8. At the next login screen, use the new password you established in step 6 and see if you can successfully bypass this screen.

If the issue persists, and you continue to encounter the "an error occurred while the wizard was attempting" error, proceed to the next potential solution outlined below.

Method 3. Performing a Repair Install / Clean Install

If the previously suggested solutions did not resolve the issue, you have one remaining option: performing a comprehensive reset of all Windows components, including account data and login information. This operation will result in the deletion of your Windows account, allowing you to regain access to your machine.

It's important to note that opting for a clean install carries the drawback of potential data loss. If you choose this method, be prepared for the complete removal of all your data. Therefore, it is suitable when you don't have any critical data that you cannot afford to lose.

Step 1. Create the installation media by downloading and utilizing the Microsoft Media Creation Tool.

Step 2. Restart the computer and access the BIOS. Modify the boot sequence settings to ensure the computer boots from the installation disk.

Step 3. After the startup, you will need to configure various parameters. Once done, click "Install Now" to proceed.


Step 4. At this point, the system will prompt you to enter the license key. You have the option to enter it directly or skip this step, as it can be done after the Windows 10 installation is complete.

Step 5. When asked to choose the type of installation, select "Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)".


Step 7. Identify the SSD where you wish to install Windows 10 and click "Next". Windows will then initiate the installation process automatically. Then, you can bypass the password to get into your system.


This article provides comprehensive solutions to address the issue of encountering "an error occurred while the wizard was attempting to set the password for this user account". The most recommended solution available is to use AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional, a professional Windows password recovery tool that enables you to reset your Windows password without accessing your computer. Most importantly, it won’t cause any data loss.

Hedy · Staff Editor
Hedy is an editor of AOMEI Technology. She is very good at solving problems of partition management, and she wants to share all the problems she had already solved to users who met the same questions.