Can You Install Windows 10 on a Chromebook?

Discover if and how you can install Windows 10 on a Chromebook. This article explores the technical aspects and potential challenges.


By Irene / Updated on May 24, 2024

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Does Chromebook Run Windows 10? 

Chromebooks are simple, secure, inexpensive, and don't have many of the problems associated with Windows PCs. Most people will find that they fit their needs, and Chromebooks typically run on Chrome OS, which is a different operating system than Windows. However, some Chromebooks support running Windows 10 through virtualization or dual-boot methods.

That means you can't install and run Windows or Mac software locally on your Chromebook. Although running Windows 10 may not provide the same performance or compatibility as running Windows 10 on a traditional PC. If you're interested in running Windows on your Chromebook, you still have options. This post will give you the appropriate guidance and specific steps to take.

Can You Install Windows 10 on a Chromebook?

Chromebooks have been popular for a long time as standalone computers, and now they've grown into powerful machines with a pretty high configuration to meet the needs of experts and users who need a lot of power. Now that Chromebooks are being made better, they can be compared to Windows laptops, and sometimes they are even better. With Intel's fast hardware and high-resolution screens, more users can get what they need.

How to install Windows 10 on Chromebook?

Before starting the great hack adventure in setting up Windows on your Chromebook, you should back up any important information on the complex operating system, software and BIOS. It could severely affect the system and you could lose any unsafe data. If you find that you can't use your Chromebook, you can create USB drives from other computers to try to recover the system, however, this will delete all of your data, so backup is necessary if you don't have an external hard drive using Google Drive.

Google drive not working

Stepwise instructions on installing Windows on Chromebook

This part talked about the problems that might happen when installing Windows on a Chromebook. To make things easier for you, our article shows you a simple way to install Windows on a Chromebook. Making a portable Windows USB disc is the best thing to do here. You need to have a Windows computer to use this method.

Create a Windows To Go USB

As we introduced before, if you want to install Windows on a Chromebook, you can create a bootable USB. To easily do this without any risks of data loss and error, it is recommended to use AOMEI Partition Assistant to make a portable Windows USB drive. It gives you the Windows To Go Creator function that allows you to easily enjoy Chrome OS. Besides, it offers many other useful functions for partition management. You can use it to merge partitions, clone disks, or rebuild corrupted MBR.

Steps to create bootable Windows USB for downloading Chrome OS:

Now you can download it to have a try and follow the steps to create Windows to Go USB device for Chromebook.

AOMEI Partition Assistant

The Best Windows Disk Partition Manager and PC Optimizer

Before you do:

① You need to build a USB hard drive that works well on a Windows 10 computer. This feature is available in Windows 11/10/8/7 and you can use it to create a USB drive that can run.

② This tool works with both Legacy and UEFI boot modes, but it can only start up in UEFI mode.

③ You can use any USB 2.0, 3.0, or 3.1 drive, SSD, or HDD, but a USB 3.1 device is better because it makes the usable drive and starts up the Chromebook faster.

④You have to convert the USB external hard drive to GPT partition style.

Download a 64-bit version of Windows a disk image (ISO) from Microsoft.

Step 1. Insert an empty USB drive (over 32GB) to a Windows 10 computer via USB port. It is better to choose USB drive from famous manufacturers such as Samsung, SanDisk, Kingston, etc.

Step 2. Select “Tools” on the main interface and hit “Windows To Go Creator”.

Windows To Go Creator

Step 3. In the pop-out small window, select “Create Windows ToGo for Mac computer” and hit on “Next”.

Create Win To Go For Mac

Step 4. Then select source file (the Windows 10 ISO files you have download) by clicking the folder icon and click “Next”.

Select Source Files

Step 5. Select the USB drive you have plugged in and hit on “Proceed”.

Select Target Location

Note: you can click the “Advanced” button to choose the type of created system and target system startup mode.

Advanced Settings

Step 6. Then wait for the process to be done.

Creating Process

The installation process of the Windows to USB drive takes a long time. Once the installation is complete, you can unlock the USB drive from the Windows system and transfer it to a Chromebook. Target safely for devices running the Chrome operating system and with only USB-C interface. Connecting to a USB drive will require a USB- C adapter when starting the Chrombook. It will need to be done quickly, press the appropriate start option buttons, select the usb drive. Then and tap backwards so that ChromeBook will start from the USB device and load Windows operating systems smoothly.


While Chromebooks primarily operate on Chrome OS, some models support running Windows 10 through virtualization or dual-boot methods. This expands the capabilities of Chromebooks, allowing users to access Windows-specific software and applications. However, it's important to note that running Windows on a Chromebook may not offer the same level of performance or compatibility as on a traditional PC. Nevertheless, with the appropriate guidance and steps, users can explore the option of integrating Windows 10 into their Chromebook experience.


  1. Can you install Windows 10 on a Chromebook?

    • Yes, some Chromebooks support running Windows 10 through virtualization or dual-boot methods, expanding their functionality beyond Chrome OS.
  2. How do I install Windows 10 on my Chromebook?

    • The process involves creating a bootable Windows USB drive and configuring the Chromebook to boot from it. Specific steps and requirements vary depending on the Chromebook model and the method used.
  3. What are the risks of installing Windows on a Chromebook?

    • Installing Windows on a Chromebook may void the device's warranty and could potentially lead to data loss or system instability if not done correctly. It's essential to follow instructions carefully and back up important data before proceeding.
  4. What software can I run on Windows 10 on a Chromebook?

    • With Windows 10 installed, users can access a wide range of software and applications compatible with the Windows operating system, including productivity tools, games, and multimedia software.
  5. Can I switch between Chrome OS and Windows on my Chromebook?

    • Yes, if you set up Windows using a dual-boot method, you can choose which operating system to boot into when starting your Chromebook. This allows flexibility in using both Chrome OS and Windows on the same device.
Irene · Staff Editor
Irene is an Editor of AOMEI Technology. She devotes herself in giving insightful thoughts on common computer problems with simple and clear guidance. Irene loves to help people solve problems and explore more solutions on relevant issues. She loves reading, singing and travelling.