How to Write Zeros to a Hard Drive Effortlessly?

Are you in need of wiping data from an internal or external hard drive? You may take the Write Zero method. Learn how to write zeros to a hard drive in two different ways easily from this page.


By Irene / Updated on January 7, 2025

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What is the Write Zero method and why need it?

HDDs are frequently used on computers to store data. After long time use, wiping hard drives will be needed because:

● After upgrading hard drive to an SSD or a larger HDD, you may wipe the old hard drive and use it as the second storage device.
● If you don’t need the old hard drive anymore, you can wipe HDD before recycling it.

There are different methods available to write over hard drives. Write Zero, also known as Single Overwrite, zero fill erase or zero-fill, is one of the most popular methods. The Write Zero data sanitization method replaces your regular, readable data with zeros, thus preventing all software-based file recovery methods from lifting information from the drive. Since the Write Zero method is useful, how to conduct it exactly?

How to write zeros to a hard drive effortlessly?

Here I’m going to show you two efficient solutions to write over hard drive. Learn detailed steps below:

Solution 1: zero fill hard drive via Command Prompt

To write zeros to a hard drive so as to erase all the data, you can format the drive in a special way using the format command from the Command Prompt. Follow the instructions below to see how do I zero fill my hard drive in Windows 10:

1. Tap the Search button on the taskbar and type “cmd” in the search box. Right-click “cmd” and select “Run as administrator”.

2. Type format g: /fs:NTFS /p:0 and press Enter to format the G drive with the NTFS file system and write zeros to every sector of the drive once. You can change the drive letter and file system based on your need.

3. Type y and press Enter to confirm erase data.

Write Zero CMD

4. Wait until the format process is completed.

Tips: Formatting a drive of any size may take a long time. The lager the drive is, the longer time it will take. Don’t worry if the percent completed doesn’t reach 1 percent for several seconds or even several minutes.

5. After the format, type a name for the drive as volume label, or don’t, and then press Enter.

6. Wait while “Creating file system structures” is displayed on the screen.

7. Once the prompt returns, repeat the above steps for any other partitions on this physical hard drive. You can skip this step if there is only one partition on the hard drive

8. Type exit and press Enter to exit Command Prompt.

Solution 2: write zeros with the free zero fill hard drive utility

As you see, the process of zero fill hard drive Command Prompt is really complicated and time-consuming. If you are not familiar with command lines, you will be easily getting into trouble. So is there a simpler way? The best free zero fill hard drive utility— AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard can save you from heavy work.

It enables you to delete all partitions and wipe all sectors on the disk within one operation, so you don’t need to repeat the operation for each partition on the disk. Just choose the “Fill sectors with Zero” method, and the disk will be wiped safely and quickly. All Windows PC operating systems like Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP are supported. Now follow the guidance below to write zeros to a hard drive via AOMEI Partition Assistant:

Step 1. Get the zero fill hard drive software free download and install it.

Download Freeware Win 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP
Secure Download

Step 2. Launch AOMEI Partition Assistant. Click the "Wipe" main tab and select "Wipe Hard Disk" option. (You can also right-click the Disk you want to wipe and select the "Wipe Hard Drive" option.)

Wipe Hard Drive

Step 2. Select the disk you want to wipe and click "OK" to continue.

Select Disk

In this stage, you can also select a wiping method to wipe the selected hard drive according to your requirements and click "OK". (By default, the wiping method is Fill in 0.)

Fill Sectors With Random Data


  • Fill in 0: Overwrite all sectors with zeros. It is common to wipe a personal hard drive. It is safe and fast.
  • Fill in random information: It overwrites the hard drive with random data. It is more secure than the first one.
  • DoD 5220.22-M: It will overwrite addressable locations on the hard disk with binary 0's, binary 1's, and a random bit pattern from once to seven times. The more times you choose to overwrite, the longer the process will take. Three times to five times are recommended. It is more secure than "zero-filling" and "random data filling" and faster than the Guttman. Thus it is often adopted by companies and organizations.
  • Gutmann: It overwrites a hard drive with 35 passes. It is the safest way here, but it also takes the longest time.

Step 3. You can preview the shrink operation by viewing the "Pending Operations". To commit the "Pending Operations", please click "Apply" and "Proceed".

Apply Wipe Hard Drive


Note: Once the wipe operation is executed, the data cannot be recovered by any data recovery software. Please backup files before you do if there are crucial data on the disk.


When you want to write zeros to a hard drive for wiping data, you can refer to the two solutions mentioned above. Compared to the format command, AOMEI Partition Assistant saves much efforts and time for you. Other than zero-filling a hard drive, you can also change partition type ID and remove write protection on micro SD card Samsung with AOMEI Partition Assistant. Why not give it a try right now?

Irene · Staff Editor
Irene is an Editor of AOMEI Technology. She devotes herself in giving insightful thoughts on common computer problems with simple and clear guidance. Irene loves to help people solve problems and explore more solutions on relevant issues. She loves reading, singing and travelling.