Solutions to WD Drive Utilities Quick Drive Test Failed

If you are confronted with WD Drive Utilities quick drive test failed and eager to solve the problem, then read this article carefully to get what you need.


By Dervish / Updated on July 25, 2024

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WD Drive Utilities is the software provided by WD which allows users to register the drive, set drive timer, run diagnostics, and perform a Drive Erase. There are three diagnostic tools available in WD Drive Utilities to help make sure the supported drive is performing well: drive status check, quick drive test, and complete drive test.

WD Drive Utilities

Despite the wonderful functions it owns, it does not always work well. Here is a real case about quick drive test failed on WD Passport:

“Purchased Brand New 1TB Western Digital My Passport drive External USB 3.0 from For fun of it, I ran Western Digital Diagnostic tools. ‘Quick Drive test Failed’. I immediately contacted Western Digital Support and they informed me not to pay attention to error message. Something in my gut tells me to return this drive :-)”

Don't worry, AOMEI has analyzed comprehensive information about "WD SMART status failed" and provides the best solution for you. If you want to fix the problem quickly or looking for an alternative tool to test your WD hard disk, please download AOMEI Partition Assistant directly and use its Check Partition, Disk Surface Test or other features to check and repair your hard disk.

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The tool has great compatibility. It has a simple interface that is easy to understand. Even if you are not familiar with the tool you can easily fix your WD My Passport.If you want to find the reason why WD drive utilities smart status failed, read on.

What to do when WD Drive Utilities quick drive test failed?

When you find WD quick drive test failed in Windows 11/10, following things may account for the problem:

Incompatible hardware configuration and operating system. WD Drive Utilities only supports Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7.
Unsupported hard drives. Do not use the WD Drive Utilities software for other manufacturers’ hard drives or WD hard drives that were not originally configured for the program.
Bad power cable or data cable connection.
Physical damage of WD drives.

To solve the problem of WD Drive Utilities quick drive test failed, you can try:

1. Install the latest Windows updates for the best performance and reliability.

2. Ensure that the power cable (if applicable) and data cable are securely connected on both ends.

3. Disconnect the drive and examine the drive for physical signs of damage such as dents or broken pins. Replace a damaged drive if it’s in warranty.

If you still have problem with WD Drive Utilities, you can collect and submit software logs to WD support for additional review. Please make sure that hidden files and folders are enabled. Then, you can follow the guidance below:

1. Contact WD support to create a case (the logs can also be uploaded to an existing case).

2. Create a new folder and name it logs-MMDDYY (date created)-1xxxxxxx (your case number). For example, logs-010117-11111111.

3. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Western Digital\Logs. Copy the file and WD Apps folder to the newly-created folder.

4. Compress the logs-MMDDYY-1xxxxxxx folder.

5. Log in to WD Support Portal to attach the logs (less than 5 MB) to the corresponding case. Wait for the answer.

Best Alternative for WD Drive Utilities to Check WD drives for errors

When you encounter the error of WD Drive Utilities not working in quick drive test, you may be wondering if there is another tool which can be used to check the status of WD drives. Certainly, there is!

AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard, the best partition utility for free, can check disk errors easily regardless of the disk brand. You can use it to check WD, Samsung, SanDisk, Kingston disks, etc. All Windows PC operating systems like Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP are supported. Learn how to check WD drives for errors via AOMEI Partition Assistant below:

Step 1. Connect the WD drive to your computer and make sure it is detected. Download, install and launch AOMEI Partition Assistant.

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Step 2. Right click on the partition of the WD drive, select “Advanced” and then “Check Partition”.

Check Partition

Step 3. You’ll see three check options. Choose one based on your needs and click “OK”.

● Check partition and fix errors in this partition by using chkdsk.exe
● Check partition for errors by using chkdsk.exe
● Check whether there is bad sector on the partition

Check Errors Way

Tips: From Method 1 to Method 3, the operation requirements decrease, so does time consumption.

Step 4. Wait for the checking process to be completed. Click “OK” when it’s done.

Check Partition for Errors Completed

● Repeat Step 2 to Step 4 if there is more than one partition on the WD drive.
● If there are bad sectors detected, backup disk first. Send the disk to professional data recovery center if there are important data on bad sectors.

In addition, AOMEI Partition Assistant, as a WD Utility alternative, has other features including checking disk performance, copying partitions, migrating operating systems, changing cluster sizes, extending/resizing partitions, and so on.

In addition, she offers some advanced features for when you can't boot your computer, such as creating bootable USB, repairing MBR, performing formatting operations in WinPE environment, and so on. Download this repair tool for free in case of emergency.

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Now you know what to do when WD Drive Utilities quick drive test failed. You can also use AOMEI Partition Assistant as an alternative to check the status of WD drives. What’s more, AOMEI Partition Assistant can help you repair pen drive not detected and erase SSD before selling. Go for this tool right now!

Dervish · Staff Editor
Dervish is an English editor of AOMEI Technology; He is delicated to offering users easy and effecitve solutions for issuses related to disks and partitoins. In his spare time, he enjoy wathcning films, playing footable, traveling and so on.