Kingston USB Format Tool Free Download for Windows

Here, we will share great Kingston USB format tools, with which you can easily format (write protected) Kingston USB drive in Windows 11, 10, 8, 7.


By Dervish / Updated on July 1, 2024

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Kingston Technology provides portable USB for cell phones, computers, and other devices. How do you format a Kingston USB drive? Or how do you format a hard drive write-protected? Here is a typical case:

“My Kingston suddenly became inaccessible and requires formatting and gets popups that your USB is write protected and Windows cannot format it. Is there a Kingston USB format tool to force format the write-protected Kingston USB drive?"

This article presents three of the most effective Kingston USB formatting tools, accompanied by comprehensive guides to assist users in formatting their USB drives without assistance.

Best Kingston USB Format Tool Recommend and Download

When choosing the best Kingston USB format tool, we need to consider its features, price, compatibility, and effectiveness. After a lot of research, we compared the three best Kingston USB format utilities

1️⃣AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard: This is a simple, free formatting tool designed for Windows beginners.

  • Reasons to choose it: This USB drive format tool can perform many complicated formatting tasks easily. For example, it is able to format large hard drive to FAT32, format corrupted /RAW hard drive, format partition to Ext4/Ext3/Ext2 under Windows Environment. Besides, it is also one of the best Kingston USB repair tool.
  • Cons: Available for Windows only
  • Kingston USB Format Tool Download:
Best USB Format Tool-AOMEI Partition Assistant

Format USB to NTFS/FAT32/exFAT/Ext andit support most of USB brands, such as Kingston, SanDisk, Samsung.

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2️⃣Kingston USB Format Utility: This is Kingston-specific software released specifically for the HyperX DTHX30/XXGB series of flash drives.

  • Reasons to choose it: It converts media file systems to FAT32 and NTFS and is faster than standard Windows formatting tools.
  • Cons: It's not available for Windows 11 and it may not support other brands of hard drives. You may meet the Kingston Format Utility Fail error.
  • Kingston USB Format Utility Download:

3️⃣Windows Built-in Tools: Windows provides three tools to format a USB drive: Disk Management, File Explorer and CMD.

  • Reasons to choose it: With DiskPart you can even format write-protected drives. You don't need to download and additional format tools.
  • Cons: It requires the computer knowledge and it's not suitable for new comers.

Among the above tools, AOMEI Partition Assistant is the best Kingston USB formatting program to format and repair all Kingston USB drives.

How to Format A Kingston USB Drive Windows 10/11

This section will explain how to format Kingston USB with the best format tools. Before we start, you can choose the best Kingston USB file system format:

  • FAT32 - For Kingston USB drives 32 GB or smaller.
  • exFAT - For Kingston external USB drives, gaming USB drives with capacities of 64 GB or larger.
  • NTFS - For Windows operating systems.
  • EXT2/3/4 - For Linux Kingston USB drives or gaming drives.

Continue reading the details provided below about the reliable Kingston USB formatting tool for help.

3 Steps to format (write-protected) Kingston USB with AOMEI Partition Assistant

The below steps are how to format Kingston USB with AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard. If your Kingston USB is write-protected due to a damaged file system, this method is also effective.

AOMEI Partition Assistant

The Best Windows Disk Partition Manager and PC Optimizer

Step 1. Download, install, and run this Kingston USB format tool. Find your Kingston USB drive and right-click it to select “Format Partition”.

Format 2tb Partition

Step 2. In the pop-up window, choose the FAT32 (or other file system you need) file system. Here you can also specify “Cluster Size” under the file system if you need to. Then click “OK”.

Format 2tb Partition To Fat32

Step 3. After that, it will go back to the main interface. Preview the changes and click “Apply” to complete the operation.


AOMEI Partition Assistant is also one of the best Kingston USB Repair tool, download it and you can fix any errors and protect your data better.

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Format Kingston USB flash drive with Kingston Format Utility

The tool is simple to operate, launch Kingston Format Utility, select the file system and click Format. But it is not applicable in many occasions:

  • Kingston USB Write Protect
  • Kingston USB corruption

When Kingston Format Utility fails, the best option is to use a third-party tool or read on to select the Windows built-in tool.

Format Kingston USB flash drive with Windows built-in tool

If you cannot format Kingston USB flash drive via Disk Management or Windows Explorer, it’s time to resort to another Windows built-in tool: DiskPart, a command to help manage your PC's drives (disks, partitions, volumes, or virtual hard disks). The specific steps are as follow:

1. Press “Windows” + “R” to open the Run box, type “diskpart” in the run dialogue, and then hit “Enter”.

2. In the pop-up window, input the following commands and hit “Enter” after each command.

  • list disk

  • select disk n (here “n” is the disk number of USB drive.)

  • list partition

  • select partition m (here “m” is the number of partition going to be formatted.)

  • format fs=fat32 (here if you need to format the Kingston USB drive to other file system like exFAT, replace the command with “format fs=exfat”.)

Format via Diskpart

Note: if the Kingston USB drive is set into read only (write protected) mode, you need to first remove the read only attribute by running the command “attributes disk clear readonly” after select disk#.

If you think it’s complicated to format a Kingston USB via Diskpart, or you fail to format it to FAT32 because it is larger than 32GB (that’s a limitation of all Windows built-in formatting tools), you can turn to a third-party Kingston USB format tool. Here I strongly recommend AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional.

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Why format (Kingston) USB drive Windows 10/11?

Nowadays, USB flash drive are widely used in our daily life. But sometimes you will be noticed that your USB flash drive needs formatting Some of you may puzzled that why format USB drive? The common reasons are as follows:

Cause various operating systems must manage disks in a certain way, only the corresponding format (namely,file system) can make the structure of the disk be recognized by the operating system. For example, Windows and Apple systems have different disk management methods and are not compatible with each other. Or some device only support specified file system. So you must format your storage drive to the suitable file system.

When you buy a new USB flash drive without being formatted, you must format it at first. After that, you can use it normally. Or when the USB drive is attacked by virus, formatting the drive is also an effective way to eliminate viruses. Moreover, if your USB flash drive becomes write protected or read only, formatting also helps you with that.


This post brings two great Kingston USB format tools. Now you can choose an appropriate one according to your requirements and situation. As shown above, if you meet the problem current read only state yes, the function "Format Partition" of AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard can also help.

Besides formatting USB flash drives, it also provides you many other powerful functions like create, move, resize, format, delete, copy partition, NTFS to FAT32 converter, migrate OS to SSD and so on. To enjoy more advanced functions like extending NTFS system partition without reboot, erasing SSD drive, recovering lost data, and cloning MBR disk to GPT, you can upgrade to AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional to solve this problem.

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Dervish · Staff Editor
Dervish is an English editor of AOMEI Technology; He is delicated to offering users easy and effecitve solutions for issuses related to disks and partitoins. In his spare time, he enjoy wathcning films, playing footable, traveling and so on.