Why Convert MBR to GPT?

Main reasons for most users to convert MBR partition style to GPT partition style.

What Makes AOMEI Partition Assistant Best MBR to GPT Converter?

  • Easy&Simple Guide

    Designed with intuitive and user-friendly interface, experts or newbies won’t get lost and confused during the MBR to GPT conversion in Windows 11/10/8/7/XP/Vista.

  • Higher Data Security

    Compared with Windows 11 built-in tools, AOMEI Partition Assistant can convert data and system disk from MBR to GPT without deleting any partition or data.

  • Conversion without OS

    “Make Bootable Media” Wizard allows to convert MBR to GPT without operating system in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, 8 and Windows 7.

Not Just for MBR and GPT Conversion

AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional can help realize MBR and GPT conversion without data loss, but also complete file system, disk type, partition type conversions safely.

Which Edition Is Right for You?

AOMEI Partition Assistant (PA) currently is available in 5 different editions which mainly differs in functionality and availability. Compare and choose the right edition based on your needs.


Partition Assistant Professional

$29.97 $49.95

Current Version

The "Current Version" license is only valid for the version you're buying and does not include major version upgrade (e.g. version 9.5.0 to 9.6.0) protection. In such case, you need to pay extra fee to upgrade the current version to each major newest version.

Lifetime Upgrades

The "Lifetime Upgrades" license ensures that you're entitled to upgrade for FREE to any newest version without paying extra fee, and FREE receive 24/7/365 lifetime technical support.

Buy Now Try it Free
Partition Assistant Server

$95.40 $159.00

Current Version

The "Current Version" license is only valid for the version you're buying and does not include major version upgrade (e.g. version 9.5.0 to 9.6.0) protection. In such case, you need to pay extra fee to upgrade the current version to each major newest version.

Lifetime Upgrades

The "Lifetime Upgrades" license ensures that you're entitled to upgrade for FREE to any newest version without paying extra fee, and FREE receive 24/7/365 lifetime technical support.

Buy Now Try it Free
Partition Assistant Unlimited

$279.30 $399.00

Current Version

The "Current Version" license is only valid for the version you're buying and does not include major version upgrade (e.g. version 9.5.0 to 9.6.0) protection. In such case, you need to pay extra fee to upgrade the current version to each major newest version.

Lifetime Upgrades

The "Lifetime Upgrades" license ensures that you're entitled to upgrade for FREE to any newest version without paying extra fee, and FREE receive 24/7/365 lifetime technical support.

Buy Now Try it Free
Partition Assistant Technician

$479.40 $799.00

Lifetime Upgrades

The "Lifetime Upgrades" license ensures that you're entitled to upgrade for FREE to any newest version without paying extra fee, and FREE receive 24/7/365 lifetime technical support.

Buy Now Try it Free
Number of Allowed Installations

2 PCs / License 2 Servers / License Unlimited PCs and Servers/License Unlimited PCs and Servers/License
Priority Technical Support

Standard Priority VIP VIP
Basic Disk Partition Management

Create/format/delete/split/merge/clone partition, etc

Convert MBR/GPT

Convert data or system Disk between MBR and GPT styles without data loss.

Migrate OS to SSD

Migrate system drive between MBR and GPT Drives (SSD supported).

Recover Lost Partition

Retrieve lost or deleted disk partition and data.

Move App to Another Partition

Transfer some applications from one partition to another one.

Windows Server 2003, 2008 (R2), 2011, 2012 (R2), 2016, 2019
Unlimited Usage

Allow unlimited usage within one company.

Create Portable Version

Copy AOMEI Partition Assistant to a removable device so that directly run it on target computers without installing.

Provide Billable Technical Service

One license can be used by a single technician to provide billable technical service to clients.

We Accept:

3 Steps to Convert MBR to GPT without Data Loss

  • Step 1. Select "Convert to GPT Disk".

    Install and run AOMEI Partition Assistant. Right-click the MBR disk you need to convert and choose "Convert to GPT Disk".

  • Step 2. Confirm the operation.

    In the pop-up mini window, click "OK" to confirm the operation after everything is right.

  • Step 3. Click "Apply".

    Back to the main interface, click "Apply" and "Proceed" to commit the pending operation.


  • AOMEI Partition Assistant Edition would seem to be the most powerful and capable freeware disk partition utility we've tried. It's highly recommended for all users, and especially those with multidisk systems.

  • As partitioning software, Aomei Partition Assistant is as good as any program I’ve seen. The standard version is more than adequate for most users, and the pro version is as good as it gets. I have some nits concerning, but the Windows To Go trick trumps those gripes big time.

  • Aomei Partition Assistant is an easy-to-use tool to help you set up and manage partitions on your PC's hard drive. The program provides all the functionality you'd expect, and some you might not.

  • Jeff Bella

    Thanks for the AOMEI Partition Assistant!:) I've successfully converted from MBR to GPT without deleting any files in my drive! Cannot wait to upgrade my Windows 10 to the newest Windows 11 now.

  • Chloe

    Just got that Windows 11 forgoes the traditional MBR partition style and use GUID partition style only. I searched around the Google and found the AOMEI Partition Assistant. Work like a magic and help convert my system disk from MBR and GPT without damaging data. Quite worth it!

  • Jennifer

    When i was trying to update from Windows 10 to Windows 11, i was told GPT disk is required. So, i have been looking for an MBR to GPT converter and the AOMEI Partition Assistant satisfied me best. Only 3 clicks make it done. I would like to share with whoever needs to convert MBR to GPT without data loss.