Partition Windows 8 Hard Drive Chapter 2 - AOMEI

This is the chapter 2 on partitioning Windows 8 hard drive, due to the various way of creating or splitting partition in Windows 8. In this article, you can see how to create partition by different methods and how to cooperation with other functions when creating.

Posted by @Michael December 17, 2024 Updated By @Michael August 31, 2023

In the previous page, we guided on how to resize partition and merge partitions in Windows 8. Now, let’s continue to do the create partition and split partition job in Windows 8. Although it’s two functions listed in the Partition Operations, they do have some similarity in program. When creating partition,there are many ways to complete, so we write this article alone to explain it in details. Let’s proceed on how to partition a hard drive Windows 8.

Before we do the operation, we should know there are mainly two thoughts: one is create it from an unallocated space, the other is created from other partition with free space. The functions we listed are not isolated, but coexisted. if we don’t have any unallocated space in the disk,Resize/Move Partition can do the mission and create some unallocated space. You can check the previous article to see detailed steps.

After resizing partition, there is unallocated space available. Right-click unallocated space and choose “Create Partition”.

or right click is also acceptable.

In the windows pop-up, you can slide the bar to define capacity of new partition, advanced setting to choose between Logical Partition and Primary Partition, if you don’t have more than 4 partitions in the list.

Then OK to proceed,Apply at last.

FYI: you can press enter on the keyboard on the unallocated space to create partition quickly.

Create partition by different methods >>

Take Partition E for example. Click E partition, pressEnter on the keyboard to quickly split partition by creating a new partition, or use the traditional way: right click and select "Split Partition".

Or click itand select "Split Partition"from the left guide gar.

In the new window, slide the bar on each side to confirm new partition size. ThenOK, and thenApply.

FYI: you can quickly create many partitions by pressEnter.

That’s the main functions on partition hard drive Windows 8. Of course, there are more functions on hard drive partition Windows 8.

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